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Why Subscribe to [ESC][AVG]:
We will send you a note when media content is posted to my website or to youtube. Additionally, we might send you a newsletter once every six months. Subscribing is a great way to stay in the know and it gives you feedback access.  

We will not share subscriber data with any third party. Period.

There may from time to time be ‘private’ content that we post. Subscribers can sign on to the site and view private articles that may not be available on the public site. Additionally, once verified, subscribers have to ability to leave comments and send in ideas, suggestions, or inquiries on the contact page. This is an attempt to slow the spambots that plague our internet.

Delete Me & Only Newsletter:
Send a note from your subscribed email address with the word ‘deleteme’ to be promptly deleted from my site and all lists. You will receive a verification link to verify the deletion request. You can also send the word “onlynewsletter” in the subject line if you would like to only receive the newsletter twice per year.

Thanks for subscribing! 

Rob Sakalas